Michigan Business Consulting Services

Speaking, Coaching, Consulting Services and Workshops

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Consulting Services

Dr. Cherie Whiting, in addition to her speaking and coaching services; offers consulting services and workshops.

If what you want is a consultant to identify employee and customer engagement issues and assist you in correcting those issues, then you want Dr. Cherie Whiting.

She combines her 30 years experience in business, her PhD in Leadership and her expertise in employee engagement to assist businesses in solving all of the problems that result from disengaged employees. Almost every problem an organization has; poor productivity, poor customer satisfaction, budget overruns, theft on the job… the list goes on and on… results from employees who are disengaged. Engaging the employees in the workplace, is the answer to just about every problem that ails your organization. And, Dr. Cherie Whiting, is just the person to help. She uses her formula for building superstar staff, honed and proven over 30 years in business, and as an Appreciateur, she uses the power of appreciation to fully engage employees and customers. Her methods are guaranteed to work.

Are you interested in having Dr. Cherie help your organization? She will call you personally to discuss what’s happening with your organization and how she can help.

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If what you want is an interactive workshop presenter to assist your executives and your organization in the transformational process, Dr. Cherie Whiting is the presenter for you.

In her ½ day, full day or 2 day workshops, Dr. Cherie and her Associates take your organization through exercises and planning to assist the organization in a transformation. So often, the daily headaches of running a business in tough times, keeps the executives from doing the strategic thinking and planning necessary to really create the thriving business that they desire. These workshops are the solution.

Dr. Cherie and her Associates will, based on the time allotted:

  • Create an elevated sense of urgency.
  • Identify key issues/problems in the organization holding back success.
  • Illuminate the positive and negative impact of the daily issues and problems.
  • Facilitate a complete SWOT and GAP Analysis to assist in seeing the big picture and plan for the future.
  • Demonstrate the ROI of employee engagement and ultimately customer engagement in the organization.
  • Facilitate the harnessing of creativity and innovation in the organization.
  • Develop an organizational strategy for moving forward.

Are you interested in having Dr. Cherie and Associates present a workshop for your organization and begin the transformation you need, today! Dr. Cherie will call you personally to discuss the needs of your organization.

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“Dr. Cherie Whiting is passionate about equipping, training and empowering individuals; transferring their efforts into measurable results. I highly recommend her as a coach and speaker.”

Frank Jenio


Want Cherie to speak at your next event?

Contact her today at 810-335-5395 to check her availability.

Dr. Cherie Whiting, the Appreciateur who fully engages employees and customers to build and grow businesses.

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